2022 Reflection & SurgicalPerformance Insights
The start of a year is always a good opportunity to reflect and look back on past achievements and outcomes.

min read
Jan 6, 2023

Reflection on 2022
To provide some feedback, we wanted to share some numbers with you all. Currently we have 195,000 cases securely stored on our servers, of which 115,000 cases are in general gynaecology. The number of general gynaecology cases (excluding, obstetrics, colposcopy and gynaecological oncology) entered into SurgicalPerformance each year has shown constant growth and is now around 15,000 cases per annum.

What are the ten most commonly entered surgical procedures into SurgicalPerformance?
We then analysed the 10 most common types of general gynaecology cases.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy was the most commonly entered surgical procedure and hysterectomy was the most commonly performed major surgical procedure in 2022. Uncommon procedures included Repair of caesarean section diverticulum (n=5) and intrauterine septum resection (n=10). Cervical cerclage was entered 24 times in 2022. Infertility procedures included testicular biopsy (n=16), tubal re-anastomosis (n=9) and insemination (n=1). Salpingectomy (n=249) was more commonly performed than tubal ligation (n=66).
Further Updates with SurgicalPerformance
Another significant change for our users was that by 1 July 2022, RANZCOG updated its accreditation process, now granting their Fellows 1 CPD hour for every 6 procedures entered, which means that RANZCOG fellows accrued 2,500 CPD hours towards their reaccreditation in 2022 through SurgicalPerformance alone. Our RANZCOG users can accrue 35 of 50 required CPD hours by using SurgicalPerformance as part of their daily flow. This change reflects RANZCOGs appreciation for the value of quantified reflection and makes it easy for fellows to accrue CPD throughout the year.
In 2022 we ran two live sessions of our Fireside chats. One with Dr Vijay Roach, Past-President of RANZCOG, and Dr Robyn Leake from the Anatomy and Complications workshop. We discussed Team Familiarity and how it impacts on surgical outcomes. This was a relaxed but stimulating discussion, and we were extremely grateful for the courage and authenticity of our guests as they shared their personal experiences and insights on the topic.
The second episode hosted Dr Michael Wynn-Williams who shared with us a most unusual surgical case. It was an engaging video walk thru with our live attendees, breaking down the case history, complications and Michael’s decisions and actions to achieve a great outcome for the patient. For privacy reasons, video recordings are available for SurgicalPerformance subscribers only. We’re excited to be planning more Fireside Chats in 2023 and invite anyone to join live with us to share knowledge and learn from surgical leaders.
In March 2022, we also held a Morbidity and Mortality meeting with Sharee Johnson, doctors coach and psychologist, as well as Drs Roach and Yazdani. These meetings are held in partnership with AGES and video recordings are available to AGES members. They’re a rare opportunity to dive into case details with peers in a safe and anonymous space, allowing for shared learning and constructive feedback. In 2023 we will run a live, face-to-face M&M meeting as part of the AGES Annual Scientific Meeting on 10 March in Sydney. This will be a highly engaging and valuable session to attend, and we encourage you to join us on 10 March.
Looking Ahead
We’re excited to be rolling out more updates and improvements in 2023. Our aspiration is to be continually improving, and that applies to our platform as well. In 2023 you can expect to see updates within our software to make it even faster; an updated Dashboard so that it will become even easier for our users to capture feedback on their surgical outcomes “at a glance”; and improvements across our data security, so that we can continue to provide a safe and confidential environment for our users and subscribers, as we have done since 2009.
From the SurgicalPerformance team, we wish you a healthy and prosperous 2023, and we hope to see you back to gain even more insights from your daily work with patients.
Reflection on 2022
To provide some feedback, we wanted to share some numbers with you all. Currently we have 195,000 cases securely stored on our servers, of which 115,000 cases are in general gynaecology. The number of general gynaecology cases (excluding, obstetrics, colposcopy and gynaecological oncology) entered into SurgicalPerformance each year has shown constant growth and is now around 15,000 cases per annum.

What are the ten most commonly entered surgical procedures into SurgicalPerformance?
We then analysed the 10 most common types of general gynaecology cases.

Diagnostic hysteroscopy was the most commonly entered surgical procedure and hysterectomy was the most commonly performed major surgical procedure in 2022. Uncommon procedures included Repair of caesarean section diverticulum (n=5) and intrauterine septum resection (n=10). Cervical cerclage was entered 24 times in 2022. Infertility procedures included testicular biopsy (n=16), tubal re-anastomosis (n=9) and insemination (n=1). Salpingectomy (n=249) was more commonly performed than tubal ligation (n=66).
Further Updates with SurgicalPerformance
Another significant change for our users was that by 1 July 2022, RANZCOG updated its accreditation process, now granting their Fellows 1 CPD hour for every 6 procedures entered, which means that RANZCOG fellows accrued 2,500 CPD hours towards their reaccreditation in 2022 through SurgicalPerformance alone. Our RANZCOG users can accrue 35 of 50 required CPD hours by using SurgicalPerformance as part of their daily flow. This change reflects RANZCOGs appreciation for the value of quantified reflection and makes it easy for fellows to accrue CPD throughout the year.
In 2022 we ran two live sessions of our Fireside chats. One with Dr Vijay Roach, Past-President of RANZCOG, and Dr Robyn Leake from the Anatomy and Complications workshop. We discussed Team Familiarity and how it impacts on surgical outcomes. This was a relaxed but stimulating discussion, and we were extremely grateful for the courage and authenticity of our guests as they shared their personal experiences and insights on the topic.
The second episode hosted Dr Michael Wynn-Williams who shared with us a most unusual surgical case. It was an engaging video walk thru with our live attendees, breaking down the case history, complications and Michael’s decisions and actions to achieve a great outcome for the patient. For privacy reasons, video recordings are available for SurgicalPerformance subscribers only. We’re excited to be planning more Fireside Chats in 2023 and invite anyone to join live with us to share knowledge and learn from surgical leaders.
In March 2022, we also held a Morbidity and Mortality meeting with Sharee Johnson, doctors coach and psychologist, as well as Drs Roach and Yazdani. These meetings are held in partnership with AGES and video recordings are available to AGES members. They’re a rare opportunity to dive into case details with peers in a safe and anonymous space, allowing for shared learning and constructive feedback. In 2023 we will run a live, face-to-face M&M meeting as part of the AGES Annual Scientific Meeting on 10 March in Sydney. This will be a highly engaging and valuable session to attend, and we encourage you to join us on 10 March.
Looking Ahead
We’re excited to be rolling out more updates and improvements in 2023. Our aspiration is to be continually improving, and that applies to our platform as well. In 2023 you can expect to see updates within our software to make it even faster; an updated Dashboard so that it will become even easier for our users to capture feedback on their surgical outcomes “at a glance”; and improvements across our data security, so that we can continue to provide a safe and confidential environment for our users and subscribers, as we have done since 2009.
From the SurgicalPerformance team, we wish you a healthy and prosperous 2023, and we hope to see you back to gain even more insights from your daily work with patients.